Minyan Hadash and Chavurat Limmud Modiin
are excited to host a stimulating and inspiring
learning program for Shavuot night and day.

* Shavuot Night (May 26th) at Rivka Imanu 5/1*

Margalit Frydman, כל נשות המלך: נשים בחייו של דוד

Shai Secunda, שבעה נקיים' - ההפתחות הקדומה של מנהג קדום'

Elli Fischer, "Framework of the Fathers: A New Reading of
the First Mishna in Pirkei Avot"

*Shavuot Day (May 27) at Miriam Hahashmonait 74 Apt. 1*

Tsippy Mendelson, האם תמיד הולכים אחרי הרוב? עיון בסוגיות התלמודיות

The Shiurim are open to women and men. An effort will be
made so that even the shiurim listed in Hebrew will be as
accessible as possible to English speakers.

Please RSVP to minyanhadashmodiin@gmail.com.