e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Gas Grills, Barbecues and Smokers in Modiin

All the places in Modiin and the area, where you can purchase grills, barbecues, smokers and other grilling equipment.
Eretz - Camping Equipment
Store for camping, travel and tiyulim equipment, where you will find the most advanced, modern and professional gear. NEW! Huge selection of sandals online (Shoresh, Chaco, Teva Naot, Reef and more...) on this link: https://eretz-sandalim.c
Merkaz HaChimum veHaMizug Modiin - Cooling & Heating Solutions
Yishpro / Merkaz Einav
The best prices in Israel! Spectacular showroom for gas grills, smokers, tabuns, outdoor kitchens, and kitchen equipment and accessories. In addition, offering a wide variety of cooling and heating solutions, including: air conditioning, un
SCAB Modiin Importer's Store - Garden Furniture & Gas Grills / Barbecues
Yishpro / Merkaz Einav
Huge showroom with SCAB's top models of spectacular garden furniture and gas grills. Please note! There are ongoing, changing deals on the products in store - it's worth visiting! New products are frequently updated on the store's website W
10% Off All Products + Free Delivery!
Metalic - Hardware and Building Supplies
Hardware and building supplies for the home and for industry, including: Paint - Electrics - Plumbing - Fixtures and Hardware - Tools - Screws - Building Supplies - key cutting and more... Personal, skilled service at a professional level f
Chain of large hardware stores. (Opening hours last updated on 16/7/16).
Home Center Modiin
Yishpro / Merkaz Einav
The Modiin branch of the national DIY Chain.
Noam Elimelech
Mevo Choron
Camping and outdoor gear.

Also see

Also on ModiinApp...

ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!