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Nachal Modiim & The Shilat Cliffs
No, it's not Scotland and not Switzerland either - it's 15 minutes from Modiin, and yes, you can and people do abseiling.
The impressive cliff that you see in the picture can be accessed either from the top or from the bottom. If you're with kids or want to see in its' full glory, it's recommended to reach it from the bottom and you can park right below it.
To get there, you go on the 443, exit on The Maccabean Graves, 40-50 meters afterwards you turn right into a dirt path (the black & white path of KKL), and within less than a minute you reach Nachal Modiim - which then runs along the path all the way to the cliff (a distance of no more than 1 km).
Nachal Modiim is an ephemeral stream. In the winter, after particularly rainy days, you may not be able to reach the cliff by car, as the stream crosses the path about 200 meters beforehand.
The hike is suitable for the whole family and young children and the distance is totally up to you - you can simply park the car at any point along the way and walk from there.
What you mustn't miss is the cliff - a truly phenomenal view!
If you're interested in doing abseiling - there are several companies that operate in the site, you can try Al Chavalim or Arutzim BaTeva.
Note, that you can also reach the bottom of the cliff from Chashmona'im. Once you reach the village, you can use our GPS by opening the map, switching to satelite view, and clicking 'route' at the top.