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Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony in Modiin 2024 [Free]
Amphi of the Ironi Bet Rabin High School, Entrance from Emek Yizrael, Modiin | Amphi of MOR High School, HaHadarim, Reut
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Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
The city's ceremonies that are open for the general public:
- At the amphitheatre of the Ironi Bet Rabin High School - with the participation of students from Ironi Aleph. Entrance from Emek Yizrael 5.
- At the amphitheatre of the Mor High School in Reut - with the participation of students from the school.
Please arrive by 19:45!
See links for the schools at the bottom of the screen.
Sunday 5/5/24, 20:00.
Please arrive by 19:45!
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