ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!
Language Through Play Kaytana in Hebrew - Summer 2019 (Ages 3-6)
Back for the 6th year!
Speech therapy based, language rich games and activities including arts / crafts, baking / cooking and movement / exercise. Preparation for Kita Aleph group too.
Targeting attention and listening skills, social interaction, imaginative play skills, turn taking skills, word retrieval skills, expanding expressive language, vocabulary enhancement, confidence building, specific speech sounds.
Run by Tamar Pearlman, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.
Qualified over 20 years, specialising in bilingualism, language delay and disorder, speech sound difficulties.
Ages: gan age children, 3-6.
Dates: 4-22/8. Option to sign up for 1, 2 or 3 weeks.
Hours: 08:00-13:00. Option for Tzaharon until 16:00 (weekly or for all 3 weeks).
Kosher aruchat eser provided.