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Nekudat Chen Keizer Center - Judaica, Embroidery & Engraving
Keizer Center - Lower Floor, Emek Zvulun 24, Modiin
Last Updated:
10 days ago
Now in store for Purim: Megillot, Megilla covers, Nachman costumes, ra'ashanim and more!
The long established store at the lower floor of Keizer Center.
The wide range of products include:
Gold and silver imprinting done on the spot: siddur, tehillim, wallets and more.
Computerized embroidery: towels, robes, sheets, clothing, logos and emblems for institutions and committees.
Judaica: tefillin, tallitot, kipot, tallit sets, name embroidery, mezuzot, challah covers, Netilat Yadaim cups, kiddush cups, candlesticks, challah boards.
Decorative engraving: smartphones, pens, jewelry, key chains, postbox and intercom, signs, dedications, leather products.
Come and visit!
Call now for more information: 072-3725520
Sun-Thu: 10:00-19:30, Fri: 09:00-14:00.