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King of the Forest - Show for Children [Theatroon HaChofesh HaGadol
Heichal HaTarbut, Emek Dotan 49, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
For ages 4-9.
One day the lion, king of the animal kingdom, decides he is fed up with being a lion and moves to the forest, where he meets other animals he wants to be like.
With the help of a magical owl, he gets what he wants: the stripes of the zebra, the feathers of a peacock, wings and more.
The lion becomes a strange creature: he has everything everybody else has. And what happens in the end? You'll find out at the show.
Colorful and spectacular performance: songs, dance, humor...
Part of ‘Teatron HaChofesh HaGadol’ - a high quality theater festival with discounted tickets in collaboration with the municipal Education Authority and Heichal HaTarbut.
Mon 20/8, 17:30. 49 ₪.