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Yehuda Solomon - Bar Mitzvah Preparation & Private Lessons in Kodesh Subjects

Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Native English speaker.

Lessons taught in either English or Hebrew, suitable for all ages.

Private lessons in Kodesh subjects and preparation for Bar Mitzvah by private teacher with extensive experience and excellent explanation capabilities.

Preparation for Bar Mitzvah:

  • The Mitzvah of laying Tefillin - practice and meaning
  • Teaching cantillation (Ta'amei HaMikra) for Torah reading (Ashkenazi Nosach)
  • Bar Mitzvah Drasha - personalized according to the wishes of the family

Private lessons:

  • In Kodesh subjects for all ages
  • Homework help
  • Advancing the student in reading and comprehension
  • Preparing students for tests
  • Strengthening and improving knowledge - for the next school year
  • Unique approach - reasonable prices

Get in touch for more information!



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