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Netmii - Web Development and Branding

Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Building websites for businesses, with an emphasis on artistic design and advanced website building.

The company aims to create internet tools for business in the most comfortable and efficient manner, and that reflect the business and its products in the most accurate way.

Also offering design and building for a variety of internet tools, including landing pages, Facebook pages, business branding and website maintenance.

Run by Michal Leiba and Netta Wagner.

Michal brings her talent and skills acquired during many years of working on the technical and managerial aspects of the internet. Neta, a talented artist, brings advanced web design and business branding skills.



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Also on ModiinApp...

ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!