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Modiin Night Mammals - Lantern Tour at Nachal Anava
Meeting point: Caffit Car Park
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
How do our senses sharpen at night, when our sight lessens?
Come joing a unique hike in the hills, where the sense of hearing will be the main sense used.
Look for bats and other animals that wake up exactly at the time that we start to yawn and prepare to turn out the lights.
With the Modiin branch of the Chevra LeHaganat HaTeva.
Suitable for families, without strollers.
Closed shoes required.
Part of the 'Chavaya Modiinit' series of tours - nature, heritage and history tours for the whole family.
Thu 13/6, 19:30-21:30.
Single ticket - 20 ₪, couples - 30 ₪, family - 50 ₪.
Limited number of places. Tickets at city hotline 08-9726020.