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over 2 weeks ago
Especially for the summer vacation- professional baking workshops for youth, both touching on the theoretical aspects of baking, and working with types of flour suited for each recipe.
- 1/7 - pizza workshop
- 2/7 - flavored pretzels workshop
- 3/7 - baguette workshop
- 14/7 - pizza workshop
- More dates to be announced
Workshops begin at 10:00. Each workshop lasts approximately two and a half hours.
Practical workshops, including refreshments. Participants will take home their baked goods after each workshop.
Up to 7 participants per workshop.
Call now for more details!
- 1/7 - pizza workshop
- 2/7 - flavored pretzels workshop
- 3/7 - baguette workshop
- 14/7 - pizza workshop
- More dates to be announced
Workshops begin at 10:00. Each workshop lasts approximately two and a half hours.