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Miki Gavrielov Celebrating 60 Years of Music Making - Live at Gray Modiin
Special show with a full backing band that sees Gavrielov performing all his greatest classics, as well as songs from his latest album "BeYamim Acherim".
For info re: the underground parking lot underneath Gray - click here!
Miki Gavrielov continues to be one of the most diverse and significant songwriters in Israeli music. In over 60 years of career, he has released 22 solo albums and participated in musical collaborations that yielded huge classics. Some of the songs in the show include: 'Ze Haya Sipur HaChoref', 'At Yafa Sheli', 'Erev Mul HaGil'ad', 'Ima Adama', 'Aba Sipur', 'Uf Gozal', 'Hop Hop', Giveret Megunderet'.
In the show, Gavrilov returns to his old and beloved songs and performs them accompanied by a band with 6 musicians.
Sat 22/3/24, 22:00. 145 ₪.
For info re: the underground parking lot underneath Gray - click here!