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Moadon Zemer - Chanan Yovel at Heichal HaTarbut Modiin

Heichal HaTarbut, Emek Dotan 49, Modiin
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Brothers Yiftach and Yonatan Gershon, pianists and sing-along leaders, on an Israeli journey with Chanan Yovel, with a selection of songs from his work from over the years, that have become part of our Israeli soundtrack.

In the show "Atem Zochrim", Chanan Yovel performs a selections from his many years of composing, comprising hundreds of songs, which he composed for himself and for others, such as Dor, Atem Zochrim Et HaShirim, VeIm HaShir Nishma Lachem Mukar, Ani VeSimon VeMois HaKatan, SheHaShemesh TaAvor Alay, HaLayla Hu Shirim, along with moving performances of Leyl Chanaya, Agadat Deshe, Tzarot Tovot and more...

Chanan has a talent for creating a warm, informal and moving connection with his audience and the result is an Israeli experience at its best.

On stage: Eran Zilberbuch - accordion keyboards and arrangements, Nir Motzri - mandolin violin and flutes.


Saturday 23/7/22, 21:00. 119-159 ₪.

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