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Pizza Smiley Modiin
Forum Tziporim Commercial Center - Lower Floor, HaChasida 21, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Come and taste and understand how much warmth and love can be served in one pizza!
And also, new dishes on the menu:
- Large pizza - 38 ₪
- Family-size pizza - 30 ₪
- Personal-size pizza - 25 ₪
- Rolled malawach - 25 ₪
- Open malawach - 20 ₪
- Personal-size gluten-free pizza - 35 ₪
- Pizza with vegan cheese - 35 ₪
- Fries - 20 ₪
- Pastas and more
100% Emek cheese. Only the highest quality ingredients!
Family-sized pizza for only 30 ₪.
Modiin branch of the growing chain from Jerusalem and the Shfela region.
Rabbanut Mehadrin and Badatz Beit Yosef.
Deliveries through Ten Bis and Wolt.
Come and visit or call to order: 072-3727458
Sun-Thu: 11:00-22:00. Fri: 10:00-15:00, Sat: 1/2 hr after Shabbat - 22:00.