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Bus Line 258: Modiin - Be'er Sheva

Kavim Bus Company - last updated: 8/3/22.
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Operated by Kavim.

  • Leaves Modiin: Sun-Thu at 07:00.
  • Leaves Be'er-Sheva: Sun-Thu at 16:30.

Journey duration: approx. an hour and a half.

The route from Modiin: Central Station (platform 5) - Road 431 / Sderot HaChashmona'ima - Rabin / Tzukit - Road 431 / Yehuda HaMaccabi - Re'em junction - Achim junction - Kastina junction - Plugot junction - Eitan junction - Dvira junction - Lehavim junction - Merkaz Oren - university & hospital - Municipality - Be'er Sheva central bus station.

The route from Be'er Sheva: Be'er Sheva central bus station (platform 23) - Rager / Shazar - Soroka hospital (on Rager) - Rager / Ben-Matityahu - Merkaz Oren - Lehavim junction - Dvira junction - Even Shmuel junction - Plugot junction - Kastina junction - Achim junction - Re'em junction - Sderot HaChashmona'im / Tzukit - Sderot HaChashmona'im / Rabin - Lev Ha'Ir.


From Modiin: Sun-Thu 07:05. From Be'er-Sheva: Sun-Wed 16:30, Thu 15:30 & 16:30.



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