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HaMerchav HaPnimi - Nutritional Supplements Store
Water Park Reut, Hadarim St, Reut
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Store offering nutritional supplements and high-quality superfoods approved by the Ministry of Health, to improve health and natural recovery.
Nutritional supplements for the treatment of a variety of medical issues, including:
- The digestive system
- Women's health
- Super food
- Orthopedics - pain
- Support for the immune system
- Vitamins and minerals
Click here for the store website!
The website lists full descriptions of each product, so that you can purchase the supplement most useful and beneficial to you.
The store was founded based on the extensive experience of the founder of HaMerchav HaPnimi - Yaniv Shimoni, a therapist and teacher with 25 years of experience in Chinese medicine, acupuncture and herbal medicine
Call now for a free consultation: 072-3727507
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