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Ninja Pesach Camp 2024 at My Ninja (Ages 6-13)

My Ninja, Dam HaMaccabim 28, Yaakobi Building, City Center (Ma'ar), Modiin
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Last Updated: 8 days ago

Sporty Pesach vacation camp at the largest and most professional ninja complex in Modiin and the surrounding area.

Fun-filled program including ninja, parkour, judo, breakdance, new workshops and more surprises.

All participants will get to meet and play with Fortnite and Minecraft YouTube star Itay Banuz known as BANUZ.

Activities will take place in small groups with qualified trainers and instructors.

Includes a varied and healthy breakfast.

Option to join for full camp, one week or on a daily basis.

For more information, call now: 072-3954477


Pesach vacation: 14-28/4/24 (including Erev Chag).

Hours: 08:00-13:00 (with option for Tzaharon until 16:00, includinghot lunch).


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