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Gardening Workshops Pesach 2023 with Renata Portenoy (Ages 6-12)
Prachim Neighborhood, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Come and experience the spring festival in fun and different way with Renata Portenoy, educator, gardener and landscaper.
Workshop activities include:
- Creating a seed nursery
- Edible flowers
- Seedling planting
- Learning about earthworms and other insects
- Healthy picnic in the garden
- Surprise gift
For children aged 6-12. Small groups.
For more information call: 055-9704862
Renata is a Brazilian Olah Chadashah who arrived in Israel in February 2022, and lived in Argentina and Uruguay for many years.
- Thursday 30/3/23, 16:30-18:30.
- Friday 31/3/23, 09:30-11:30.
- Sunday 2/4/23, 09:30-11:30.
Other times available, by prior arrangement.