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Beyachad Nenatze'ach Osim Sameach - Miki and Meni at Heichal HaTarbut Modiin

Heichal HaTarbut, Emek Dotan 49, Modiin
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Israel's favorite and biggest children's stars Miki-Manishmiki and Meni Mamtera on stage for a one-time, extraordinary, spectacular production.

To order tickets click here!

Show that will bring back the smile and joy to the children's faces and the light in their eyes. Together, Miki and Meni defeat the darkness and restore the light.

Show for the whole family with the most popular songs and characters from the famous duo.

Surprises and exciting encounters that have not yet been seen on stage. For the first time, you will meet Punch the dog and Batya the ostrich together on one stage.

So take a deep breath because they're on their way and you've never seen anything quite like it! Now is the time to be happy together, because if you're happy you win!


Sunday 18/3/24, 18:00. 109 ₪.

To order tickets click here!


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