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GymKids - Therapeutic Sports

HaMerchav LiMtzuyanut, Mishol Oz Tzemach, Reut
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Therapeutic sports, diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities, sensory and motor regulation (psychomotor skills) for children with motoric issues, developmental tracking, treatment for difficulties in day-to-day functioning, clumsiness, communication issues, difficulties in sensory regulation and more.

Therapeutic sports is a process that utilizes methods from the field of sports, play and rehabilitation in order to compensate for specific deficiencies in physical and emotional functioning. The treatment is based on activities adapted to the abilities and personal needs of the participant.

Developing children's movement capabilities provides them with the tools and skills that will support them in improving their functional abilities.

The strengthening of psychomotor skills enables the narrowing of developmental gaps, and provides tools to deal with motor, sensory, behavioral, cognitive and emotional difficulties.

The goal is to integrate the children with their peers in classes, at school and in any setting where they spend their time.

Evaluations and diagnoses offered include:

  • Motor-psychomotor functions (basic skills, posture, balance, coordination, symmetry/asymmetry, strength regulation, movement separation, movement planning).
  • Behavioral-emotional functioning (attention and concentration, work patterns, making contact, social functioning).
  • Perceptual functions (visual, spatial, sequence and memory).

For more information call now: 050-8004418

Managed by Avi Chrempacz, with over 25 years of experience in the field of physical activity for children. He developed his method based on his knowledge of scientific information, professional experience and a comprehensive educational vision.

  • B.A.Ed degree in physical education and therapeutic sports (Zidman College at the Wingate Institute, Israel).
  • Master's degree in Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Massage (University of NEBRIJA, Spain).
  • Certified Sports Therapist (Si'im Campus, Tel Aviv University, Israel).
  • Diagnostician and therapist for learning functions, sensory regulation and motor skills (Israeli Center for Psychomotorics)
  • Swimming coach, hydrotherapist, fitness coach (Wingate Institute Coaching School).
  • Trainer in neuroscience in sports (Universitas - Barca Innovation Hub, Spain).


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