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JBurger Vegan Food Truck

Park Anava, next to Gan HaBustan (see map), Modiin
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Authentic vegan experience brought to you by the JBurger restaurant - the popular chain from Tel Aviv.

For menu click here!

Bringing you the tasty flavors of American cuisine, in a perfect vegan version!

The menu includes a variety of out-of-this-world delicious foods:

  • Juicy vegan hamburgers
  • Crispy plant-based sausages
  • Amazing araies
  • High quality vegan pizzas

All dishes are made from top quality ingredients. Also offering gluten-free options.

"Vegan Friendly" certification from the Israeli Vegan Friendly organization.

Special offers: Active duty soldiers and national service participants get a free classic hamburger. Accepting Chever Teamim membership card. Payment via Cibus available.

Looking forward to treating you to flavors you've never experienced before!

For more information call: 053-3525092

Parking and direction: It is recommended to park in one of the parking lots on Emek Zevulun Street between the pool and the train station (pay attention to areas where parking requires payment), and take the elevator or stairs located at the corner of the Transportation Circle / Emek Zevulun to go down into Anava Park, and where the foodtruck is located.


  • Shabbat: 12:00-18:00.


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