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Morat Ruach - Musical Comedy Show at the Einan Hall Modiin
Einan Hall, Azrieli Mall - Top Floor (opposite the cinema), Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Musical comedy show that will school you!
How do you recognize a retired teacher? Why should you wear a ceramic vest on the Tiyul Shnati? Are empowerment cards really the solution to school violence? Can you pay at the makolet with a calling? And when will someone come and replace the proctor?
"Morat Ruach" are a trio of teachers (Maya Shilon, Barak Gonen and Doron Ben Ami) who have been teaching for nearly two decades in the education system. About three years ago, they began publishing humorous clips from the lives of teachers in Israel. Now, they are premiering an original musical comedy show that talks about teachers, parents and of course coffee.
Length of show: approx. 75 minutes.
Wednesday 20/11/24, 21:00. 125 ₪.