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Salesperson Wanted for Lapa Pet Store
Lev HaEmek Center - Lower Floor, Ginot HaEla 80, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
"Lapa", a dog and cat food and supplies store in "Lev HaEmek" center, is looking for a full-time or part-time salesperson.
- Job Description: Matching food, toys, and training products.
- Job Requirements: High service awareness, excellent interpersonal skills, ability to perform physical work, and initiative. Preference for previous experience or dog trainers.
- Invited to apply: Young people after military service, students, parents of young children, adults, and those with academic degrees.
For details: Gal - 053-3563087
Opening times of the store
Sun-Thu: 09:00-19:00, Fri: 08:00-15:00.