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Hag'alat Kelim in Modiin - Pesach 2024

For location on the map, see links at the bottom of the page
Last Updated: 12 days ago

List of neighborhood hag'alat kelim stations and opening times, operating 15-19/4/24.

The Municipal Rabinate will be providing the public with neighborhood Hag'alat Kelim stations throughout the city.

The stations will function according to the schedule below:


Mon 15/4 between 10:00-19:00 - at the plaza of Avnei Choshen shul, Bdolach corner of Avnei HaChoshen (near the Mikveh Kelim).


Tue 16/4, between 10:00-19:00 - at the plaza of the Mikveh Kelim on Yael HaGibora 62.


Wed 17/4, between 10:00-19:00 - at the Plaza of Men's Mikveh, on Emek Dotan 35.


Thu 18/4, between 10:00-19:00 - at the plaza of Achva and Reut Shul, on Sderot HaOranim 15.


Friday 19/4, between 10:00-14:00 - at the plaza of the Yefe Nof shul on Ya'ar Yatir 7.

  • There will be no Libun.
  • Remove stickers from new kelim. And those that need to do Tvila should do so after Hag'alah.
  • There will be no Hag'alah of: earthenware, enamel, wood or skillets.
  • Any damage caused to kelim during Hag'alah is the sole responsibility of those bringing the kelim.
  • Kelim must be cleaned of all dirt and rust before Hag'alah, and handles loosened.
  • 5 kelim per family only.
  • Kelim must not be used for 24 hours before Hag'alah.

Kelim Mikvaot for utensils:

  • Emek Dotan 35
  • Avnei HaChoshen 24
  • Eliyahu HaNavi 14
  • Yael HaGibora 62
  • Givat HaLevona 2 in Reut

Utensils should not be immersed at night. All stickers and glue should be removed from new utensils.



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