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Mikvaot in Modiin

Information on all the mikvaot in Modiin Maccabim Reut by neighborhood - for women, men, and kelim mikve services, including opening times.
Kelim Mikve Buchman (Moriah)
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Mikve for Tevilat Kelim. Located near the women's mikve in the Moriah neighborhood. Maintained and supervised by Modiin's chief rabbi, Eliyahu Elcharar.
Kelim Mikve Emek Dotan (Nechalim)
Mikve for Tevilat Kelim. Located near the men's mikve in the Nechalim neighborhood. Maintained and supervised by Modiin's chief rabbi, Eliyahu Elcharar.
Kelim Mikve Keizer (Avnei Chen)
Mikve for Tevilat Kelim. Located near the women's mikve in the Avnei Chen neighborhood. Maintained and supervised by Modiin's chief rabbi, Eliyahu Elcharar.
Kelim Mikve Reut
Mikve for Tevilat Kelim. Located near the women's mikve in Reut.
Kelim Mikve Shimshoni (HaNevi'im)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Mikve for Tevilat Kelim. Located near the women's mikve in HaNevi'im neighborhood. Maintained and supervised by Modiin's chief rabbi, Eliyahu Elcharar.
Men's Mikve - Emek Dotan
Opening times updated: 7/11/22.
Women's Mikve - Buchman
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
To book online click here! See opening times on weekdays and on weekends and chagim. Operates also as the duty mikve. Accessibility: There is a special facility for disabled people who cannot go down the stairs.
Women's Mikve - Keizer
To book online click here! As of 17/12/23 the Mikve in Keizer will become a duty mikve, in addition to the one in Buchman. See opening times on weekdays and on weekends and chagim.
Women's Mikve - Kramim
To book online click here! A new mikve that opened in Summer 2022. See opening times by season and on weekends and chagim.
Women's Mikve - Nechalim / Emek Dotan
To book online click here! See opening times by season and on weekends and chagim.

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