e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref) - Info for Modiin Residents

Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

For information and updates in ENGLISH regarding the attack from Iran - click here!

According to the HFC map, Modiin Maccabim Reut is in area 181. Accordingly, the residents of the city have 90 seconds to get to a secure area when they hear the alert siren.

Click here for national map of early warning alerts and time to reach shelters!

The hightest priority is to go into the home mamad, the reinforced security room, and stay in there for ten minutes after the siren alarm.

Residents who are away from home when the siren alarm is sounded are recommended to go into the secure spaces ('merchav mugan') located in shopping centers, or go into the closest building, and go up the staircase to the second floor and wait there.

In addition, for any question related to home front safety, you can contact the information center at phone number 104.

When you hear a siren alarm or an explosion you must complete the procedures for safety, during the available time, and act according to the following guidelines:

Inside a Building

Enter the protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room, during the available time, and close doors and windows.

  • Residents of the top floor in a building of over 3 floors without a protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room should descend two floors down.
  • Residents of the top floor in a building of 3 floors without a protected space, shelter, or reinforced security room should descend one floor down.

Civilians are requested not to be out in the building entrance area, since there is a risk of shrapnel and explosions as a result of missile landings in the area near the building.

If no other directive has been given, you can leave the protected space after 10 minutes.

Stay away from any unidentified objects or rockets lying on the ground. In this case, keep bystanders at a distance and inform the police.

Continue to listen to the instructions issued by the media.

In a trailer/caravan - if the warning time does not allow you to get to the 'most protected' option, lie in the center of the classroom/trailer and protect your head with your hands, stay away from windows and openings.


Built up areas - enter the building and follow the the guidelines for those indoors.

In the open - lie down and protect your head with your arms.


Stop on the side of the road, get out and enter the nearest building or shelter.

If you can not get to a building or shelter during this available time, get out of your car, lie down and protect your head with your hands.

If you can not follow the two previous guidelines, stop and wait in the car for 10 minutes.

Public transport

In the case of a siren alarm when traveling by bus, the driver should stop and open the doors of the bus, the passengers should duck down below the level of the windows and protect their heads.

In the case of a siren alarm when traveling by train, the train driver should slow down to 30 km/hour for 10 minutes, passengers should be below the level of the windows.



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