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Mashiach Olam HaYayin - Spices, Alcoholic Drinks & Deli Foods
Modiin Center, Tze'elon 21, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Shuk Levinsky has come to Modiin!
New wineries now in store: Kedem, Bartenura, Psagot and Shilo.
New in store - large variety of frozen vegan, vegetarian and meat ready made foods:
- Vegan: red lentil patties, green lentil patties, zucchini patties, beetroot patties, quinoa patties, falafel balls, burgers, kubeh for soup.
- Vegetarian: battered broccoli and cauliflower, corn schnitzel, Chinese eggroll, sweet potato ravioli, hummus sambusak, vegetable omelet.
- Meat: house kebab, Iraqi kebab, Iraqi kubeh, kubeh hamusta, kubeh for soup, rice kubeh, slice chicken breast, moussaka, crunchy chicken schnitzel sticks, Moroccan cigars, beef burgers, lamb kebab, chorisos, lamb and Merguez sausages.
NEW! Cheeses, meats (Meshek Lagziel), fish eggs.
Come enjoy the aroma of the spices. High quality spices at shuk prices, with extra-special care taken to preserve their freshness.
For questions and orders call now: 072-3725659
Also in the store:
- Special blends for cooking. Dry pesto, sachleb, Indian chai, herbs and spices for quiches, cheese and fish.
- Wide range of wines from Mashiach Olam HaYayin, plus Scottish and American whisky. Liqueurs, beers, vodkas and lots more.
- Olives, pulses, nuts seeds, chalva, dried fruit, special spreads and more!
- Ready made food for Shabbat, salads, fresh stuffed vine leaves and pickles.
- Smoked fish from Eldag at excellent prices.
- Poultry, poultry products, special sausages and cutlets.
So, come smell, taste, discover and enjoy first rate products with warm and welcoming service.
For more information call now: 072-3725659
- Sun: 09:30-14:10 & 14:40-18:00.
- Mon-Thu: 09:30-14:10 & 14:40-19:30.
- Fri: 08:20-15:00.