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Information on community megillah readings taking place on Saturday night 23/3, and Sunday morning and daytime 24/3.
Entry to all readings is of course free and at no charge.
Except for the Beit Chabad reading, all the readings that appear below are organized by Rabbanei Tzohar, and the public is invited (parents and children, secular and religious, old and young, women and men) to come and celebrate with costumes and noisemakers, and enjoy a unique megillah reading experience.
In addition, beautiful megillot Esther will be handed out at each location, as well as Mishloach Manot for the children. For more information click here!
19:00 & 20:30 (and on Sunday) - Beit Chabad (Ayalon 21), Arvit and Megillah reading. At 20:00 (approx.) - magic show of Amitology + refreshments, costume party and prizes, celebrations and dancing.
On Sunday, Megillah readings on the hour, every hour from 08:00-16:00. You can also donate 'Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel' and 'Matanot La'Evyonim' at the shul or on the secure link here (recognised for tax purposes, se'if 46).
19:00 (and on Sunday at 7:30 AM) - Ariel Synagogue + Shivtei Israel School + (for both the address is Esther HaMalka 26). Megillah reading for families. For details: Itay Binyamin - 058-6900229.
19:00 (and on Sunday at 8:00 AM) - Dorot School (Ginat HaChula 12). Megillah reading for families. For details: Amichai Shoham - 052-3720950.
19:00 - Complex Zecharia HaNavi (Zecharia HaNavi 4). Megillah reading for families. For details: Itzik Marciano - 050-8765555
19:00 - Masu'at Neriah School (Rabin 2). Megillah reading for families. For details: Tzipa Mendelson - 054-7885061
19:15 - Chut HaSheni School Sports Hall (entrance from Tchelet 80). Megillah reading for families in collaboration with Amutat Kanfei Ru'ach. For details: Yoni & Hadar Hotam - 050-3137576
19:15 - He'Ela School Sports Hall (Emek Ha'Ela 52. Megillah reading for families in collaboration with Amutat Kanfei Ru'ach. For details: Alon Chazani - 052-3567930
19:30 (+ More Readings) - Yachad Elementary School (Emek Beit She'an 50). Megillah reading for everyone, followed by a bouncy Purim party for children.
Other readings at Yachad:
- 18:45 - Quiet reading at the Beit Midrash.
- 18:45 - Quiet reading at Minyan Omarim (Shoham 3, Reut)
- 19:30 - Women's reading at the Beit Misdrash.
For details: Yanky Ilovitch 052-4288131.
19:50 (+ More Readings) - Kehilat HaShimshoni Synagogue (David Elazar 28). Arvit and Megillah reading for all. Women's reading and quiet reading also available.
The full schedule:
- 18:30 Arvit and quiet reading
- 19:15 Women's reading
- 19:50 Central reading (as mentioned above)
- Sunday at 6am, 7am & 8am - Shacharit and Megillah reading
- Sunday at 9:30 AM - women's reading
For all details: Eran Blumental - 054-5663612.
To find another megilla reading or one nearer to your home - see the full list of minyanim and shuls in this link!
In most synagogues the reading start at about 18:45-19:00, 15-30 minutes after the end of Shabbat and after Ma'ariv.
Sat-Sun 23-24/3/24.