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Shuls & Communities in Modiin

All the options for synagogues, minyanim and kehilot in the Modiin area, including sephardi, ashkenazi and more!
Gan Barkan Synagogue (Edot HaMizrach)
Gabai - Aharon Mualem.
HaBen Ish Chai Synagogue (Sephardi)
Gabai - Shalom Dvash / Gilad Ben-Baruch.
HaKehilati Maccabim Synagogue (Combined)
Gabai - Asher Trabelsi.
HaMeginim Synagogue - Dimri Towers (Ashkenazi)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Nosach Ashkenaz on HaYamin HaNor'iim, Nosach Achid during the rest of the year. All divrei Torah and announcements are in English. Gabai - Gershon Dalin.
Heichal Binyamin Synagogue (Sephardi & Edot Mizrach)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Also known as "Dimri Sephardi". Gabai - Avraham Mor.
Heichal Michael Nachum Synagogue (Yemenite)
Gabai - Alon Chazani. On Yom Kippur only - Yom Kippur service for everybody (For more information: Alon Chazani - 050-3567930).
Heichal Shmuel Synagogue - Shevet Achim (Sephardi & Edot HaMizrach)
Gabai - Yoni Malka. שיעורי התורה בבית הכנסת שיעור לגברים: חברותות עם אברכים - כל אחד לומד מה שהוא רוצה בקצב שהוא רוצה. מעביר השיעור: אברכים תלמידי חכמים. קהל יעד: חילוניים ודתיים, מתחזקים ומתחילים (אפשרות לחבורתא בצרפתית). זמן: ימי חמישי בי
Kahilat Yachad Synagogue - Shimshoni Minyan (Combined: Ashkenazi Achid - Sephardi Yerushalmi)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
On Yom Kippur: Ashkenazi-Achid service at the elementary school of Yachad (Yesha'ayahu HaNavi 23), Sephardi-Yerushalmi service at the high school. Gabai - Yossi Nimni.
Kehilat Achva Synagogue (Masorti Egalitarian)
Shabbat and chagim services. Mixed seating. Contact person - Hemi Trumper.
Kehilat Darchei Tzion Synagogue (Ashkenzi)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Services every Shabbat morning. Gabai - Ilan Griboff / Yossi Shebson.
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