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Or HaMe'ir Modiin Synagogue (Sephardi & Edot HaMizrach)
Kipodan 17, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Late Ma'ariv on weekdays at 22:00.
Please note! The minyan has moved from the sports hall of HaYovel school to its new location on Kipodan street (opposite the Makolet).
"The French minyan" with the Chazzan Yossi Touitou.
Gabai - Moshe Sadya.
New! Maariv on weekdays at 22:00.
Operating on Shabbatot and Chagim.
Fri: Mincha, Shir HaShirim, Kabbalat Shabbat and Arvit - candle lightiing time.
Shabbat: Shacharit - 8:30 Hodu, Mincha - Winter clock: 12:00, Summer close - 70 minutes before Shabbat comes out; changes, Arvit - end of Shabbat.