ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!

Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah - Yeshiva Program for English Speakers
Yeshiva gap year program offering a unique and extraordinary experience for post Yeshiva high school students, since 2012.
The core program is intended primarily for overseas students, however, the program is open to Israel based students as well and has had students from Israel enrolled.
Classes and learning are primarily in English.
In addition to advanced studies in Gemara, Tanach, Halacha, Jewish History, Philosophy and the Land of Israel, the Migdal HaTorah curriculum also focuses on contemporary halachic issues with an emphasis on the many halachic challenges bnei-Torah will face as they establish careers and confront the complexities of our modern world.
Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date with Yeshiva events, and for weekly divrei torah from both faculty and students.
Community Learning and Chesed
Yeshivat Migdal Hatorah provides many learning opportunities for the greater Modiin community, including shiurim open to the public and opportunities for one on one chavrutot with current students.
The Yeshiva students are also always looking for ways to help the community. For more information regarding setting up a chavruta, attending a class, chesed opportunities, or if you would like to invite one of the faculty members for an intellectually stimulating class, please visit the website or contact Rabbi Aryeh Wasserman on WhatsApp: +972-54-773-0381.