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Public Shofar Blowing in Modiin City Parks - Rosh HaShana 5785
Parks throughout Modiin
Last Updated:
5 days ago
(List of parks appears below!)
Family-orientated festive shofar blowing in parks throughout the city.
Organized in collaboration with Amutat Kanfei Ruach.
The event will take place on Rosh HaShana on Thursday 3/10/24 and Friday 4/10/24 at 17:00 in the following parks:
- Masua -
- The park on Yitzchak Rabin next to the sports center (opposite no. 23)
- Migdal HaLevanon Park
- HaKramim -
- Emek Ha'Ela Park (opposite house no. 45)
- Park on Tamuz (opposite Tishrei 34)
- Avnei Chen -
- The park on corner of Avnei Choshen and Leshem
- The park on Emek Zevulun (opposite house no. 18)
- Moriah -
- Rope Park on Eli Cohen
- Moriah Center, Shivtei Yisrael corner of Leah Imenu
- Nechalim -
- Migdal David park
- Fish Park (Emek Dotan corner of Emek Yizrael)
- HaPrachim -
- The park on Emek Ayalon corner of Kachalit HeHarim
- Park next to Terem, Tiltan 8
- HaMeginim -
- The green playground on Emek Beit She'an 1
- The park on Emek Beit She'an (opposite house no. 45)
- Chativat Harel park (opposite house no. 14)
- Park on Yigael Yadin - (opposite house no. 35)
- HaTziporim -
- The park on HaChasida (opposite house no. 30)
- Nofim -
- The Park on Ya'ar Yatir (opposite house no. 60)
- HeNevi'im -
- Kikar Amos HaNavi
- Park on corner of HaNevi'im and Elisha
- Moreshet -
- The park on Yitzchak Navon
- The park on Chaim Herzog corner of Golda Meir
- HaKaba'im park, Golda Meir 36
- Shimon Peres street (next to house no. 32)
- Givat Ashun, Chaim Weizman street
- City Center -
- Next to piano, Sderot Dam HaMaccabim (opposite house no. 51)
- Anava Park -
- Next to the lake
- Maccabim-Reut -
- Lev Reut Center (Sderot Ha'Omarim)
- Merkaz Renanim
Thursday 3/10/24 and Friday 4/10/24 at 17:00.