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Rina Itzuvim - Fimo Craft Chugim, Gifts and Jewelry

Nachal Yagur 19, Modiin
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

For info on the summer camp for ages 6-12 - click here!

Polymer clay (fimo) chugim and workshops, birthday party fimo craft activities, and sale of fimo jewelry and crafts.

Chugim and Workshops

Working with fimo helps develop fine motor skills, relaxes, and develops the imagination.

Chugim and workshops for ages 6 and up according to age group - taking place in the artist's home, schools and after-school frameworks:

  • Fimo sculpting and jewelry chug and papier mache at the artist's house on Nachal Yagur: Sundays, 17:30-18:30 - multi-age. To register call: 055-9704856
  • Chugim through the Matnas:
    • Mondays, 16:45-17:45 - kitot aleph-gimmel at the Sachlavim Matnas
    • Mondays, 17:45-18:45 - kita daled and up at the Sachlavim Matnas
    • Thursdays, 16:45-17:45 - kitot aleph-gimmel at Miklat Gilboa
    • Thursdays, 17:45-18:45, kita daled and up at Miklat Gilboa
  • To register for chugim at the Matnas and at Miklat Gilboa click here
  • Adults: workshops can be ordered for adults in the artist's home or your home, by prior appointment.

Birthday Parties

Creative birthday party activities with fimo crafts, personalized by the age of the participants and the preferences of the birthday celebrant.

Home Gift Store

Unique, handmade fimo objects: jewelry, Judaica, wall decorations and more!

Fimo gifts for organizations and Va'adei Ovdim.

Call for more information: 055-9704856

Led by Rina Tarablus, a polymer clay (fimo) chug and workshop instructor with 11 years experience in fimo sculpting.


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