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Number of Residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut - The City in Numbers Yom Ha'Atzmaut 2020
On Israel's 72nd Independence Day, there are 95,878 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut, compared to 94,820 residents (an increase of 1,058 people) on the previous Independence Day - according to the municipality's population registry (accurate as of 1/5/2020).
The data shows that the number of men and women in the city is almost equal, with 48,193 women and 47,685 men.
A matter of age
The breakdown of the population between ages once again shows how young Modiin Maccabim Reut is:
- Ages 0-21 - 39,374
- Ages 22-40 - 19,103
- Ages 40-60: 26,305
- Ages 60+: 11,096
529 of the city's residents where born in the year Israel was created, and will be celebrating their 72nd birthday this year.
There are 11 residents who are over 100 years old. The oldest one is 105.
At the other end of the age scale, 218 babies were born in the city since January 2020.
The neighborhoods who had the most babies in this period:
- Kramim - 49
- Nevi'im - 26
- Masu'ah - 22
The data also reveals interesting age segmentation by neighborhoods. The youngest neighborhood by far is Kramim, with the highest percentage of births, children and youth up to the age of 18 - totalling 5,196. 2nd is the Avnei Chen neighborhood with 4,963 children and adolescents up to the age of 18.
By contrast, the city's oldest citizens live naturally in the older neighborhoods, with 1,632 residents aged 60 and over in Reut, followed by the Nechalim neighborhood with 1,568 senior citizens.
The neighborhoods with the largest number of residents
- Kramim - 12,529
- Avnei Chen - 11,283
- Masu'ah - 9,856
In comparison, in HaTziporim that was founded in 2017, there are 2,661 residents, and in Nofim, the newest neighborhood, there are so far 529 residents that have already moved in.
Where did most of the new residents come from
- Jerusalem - 138
- Tel Aviv - 61
- Rishon LeTzion - 26
- Holon - 20
And from the North, there are 4 new residents that came from Haifa, 3 from Kiryat Shmona and one from Tzfat.
Olim Chadashim
There are 9,764 residents defined as Olim in the city (i.e - made aliyah in the last 10 years).
The leading countries:
- Former USSR - 2,223
- USA - 1,384
- Russia - 625
- United Kingdom - 478
Overall, the city's Olim came from about 50 different countries, including: Costa Rica, The Philippines, China, Ivory Coastת Vietnam and Iceland.