ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!

Albert (Avi) Peretz, Adv. & Notary - Family, Property Law & Bankruptcy Law
Long established law office offering professional solutions based on extensive experience with a focus on: property law, family and inheritance law, bankruptcy and civil and commercial law - offering professional services with no exceptions, full reflection of the actual situation to the clients, warm attention, dedication, reliability, comprehensive service for the client, and thorough work in representing the client.
The office offers legal services in the following variety of fields:
- Property - representation for buying apartments from contractors, purchase/sale of second hand apartments, apartment sale deals, removing tenants, purchase of commercial building, land expropriation, and estates and farms in Moshavim including land taxation aspects.
- Inheritance law - writing of wills, submission of applications to the inheritance registrar / probate, filing of objection to carrying out of will, serves as estate executor, sale of inherited property and related taxation aspects.
- Family law - divorce, alimony, child custody, property, prenuptial agreements, domestic violence, common law marriage, representation in the family and Rabbinical court, including Beit HaDin HaRabbani HaGadol.
- Writs of execution - representing both creditors and debtors. Implementation of judgments and payment of of checks and promissory notes, assistance to businesses in debt repayment.
- Bankruptcy - submission of request for bankruptcy at Hotza'ah LaPoal or Kones HaNechasim HaRishmi, representation in district court until the discharge has been received.
- Additional practice areas: contracts and trade, corporate and business consulting, insolvency, all notary services.
For more information call now: 072-3727539
Avi Peretz's Law Office was established in 1992 and is managed by advocate and notary Avi Peretz. The firm consists of three additional lawyers. The firm has extensive experience of 27 years in the various legal fields and representing clients in court.
Degrees and qualifications:
- LL.B from Bar Ilan University
- Certified as lawyer since 1989
- Certified as notary since 2006
- Voluntary lawyer at WIZO for the last 20 years
Additional lawyers at firm:
- Adv. Shalom Dahan - criminal and army law. Lt. Cl. in Miluim, chairman of Ilan Modiin.
- Adv. Hagit Ephrati - family and writs of execution. Licensed mediator.
- Adv. Dikla Shalom
- העמותה או הרוכש: מי ישלם 350 אלף שקל על הפרת חוזה?
- הרבני חייב בעל בגט: "אינו יכול להחזיק את האישה כבת ערובה"
- הרבני חִייב בעל בגט: "אינו יכול להחזיק את האישה כבת ערובה" (כיכר השבת)
Avi Peretz's law firm is here for you for consulting on any legal matter! Call now.
Office in Jerusalem: Kanfei Nesharim 13. Tel: 02-6236050, 1-700-555-360, fax: 02-6245040.
License number: 13466.
Call now for more information or to book an appointment: 072-3727539