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Pesach 2018 Nature and Heritage Kaytana at Neot Kedumim (Ages 6-13)

Route 443, between Modiin and Route 1
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Pesach kaytana all about nature and the environment - activities for kids that love nature!

Activities include:

  • jeep field trip
  • sheep herding with obstacles
  • touring the blooming spring flowers in Neot Kedumim
  • learning about a range of different plants
  • gaining knowledge in home farming
  • try out and learn about renewable energy - and conserving electricity: creating an electric battery from a potato, getting energy from solar plates, cooking using the heat of the sun, solar car race

And other activities not be missed!

Click here for more information!

Ages: gan chova, kita aleph - vav.


Dates: 22-29/3.

Hours: 08:30-16:00. Includes breakfast and lunch.

Option for transportation depending on level of interest.

Option to sign up for single days.


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