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Modiin's School of Basketball - Managed by Eyal Mizrachi & Nimrod Cohen

Last Updated: 14 days ago

For info on the Pesach camp for Kitot Aleph-Vav - click here!

Come and join Modiin's basketball family!

For players from gan chova to yud alef, as well as women's and men's chugim -basketball chug for girls starting from Gan Chova!

The school operates 11 activity centers throughout the city, for the 28th year, since 1996.

The school emphasizes:

  • Strengthening of self-confidence
  • Training and improvement of basic basketball skills
  • Correct shooting techniques
  • Improvement of coordination and personal ability

Groups are divided according to players' age and level.

'Kid-roor' Chug - for gan chova and kita alef children: Kids are invited to attend at one of the activity centers.

For weekly schedule and training click here!

Players who train at school have the option to advance and play in the leagues of Israel's Basketball Association.

2 FREE trial lessons - call now for more information: 050-9997813



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