ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!

HaAguda LeTarbut HaDiur Modiin - Advice & Support for Va'adim & Residents of Apartment Buildings
The Aguda LeTarbut HaDiur, established by the Ministry of Construction and Housing, operates in a number of fields, in order to improve the living conditions and the proper management of communal property in shared apartment buildings.
The Aguda LeTarbut HaDiur in the Modiin municipality assists residents in shared buildings to maintain and manage communal property, create a joint building culture, and improve the quality of life and the environment of the buildings and neighborhood.
The branch of the Aguda LeTarbut HaDiur in Modiin was founded in 1997. The branch currently includes over 1,200 residential building Va'adim, members of the Aguda.
The Aguda is registered as an Amuta, managed by a Board of Directors and a Director General responsible for the implementation of the goals and objectives for which the Aguda was established.
Services offered to members of the Aguda include:
- Legal advice
- Registration of shared apartment buildings in the Tabu at a reduced fee
- Legal representation in court
- Legal representation for interactions with inspector
- Online legal advice
- Engineering consulting
- Engineering supervision at a reduced rate
- Engineering opinion that is admissible in court, at a reduced fee
- Architectural consulting
- Appraisal consulting
- 'Dry Roof' insurance policy for a reduced fee
- Advice for removal of pigeons
- Radon gas testing at a reduced fee
- Electricity system check up in the shared property at a reduced rate
- Gardening consulting
- Arbitration services
- Internet
- Fax back
- Consulting for Miklatim
- Direct line to the CEO
- Shnat Bedek - building contractor warranty period
- Competitions and promotions
- Insurance for shared property at a reduced fee
- Guidance and assistance for Va'adei Bayit
- Extermination services at a reduced fee
- Extermination services for private apartments
- Membership in the Aguda
Joining the Aguda
Representatives of the Va'adei Bayit can come to the local branch of the Aguda located in the Modiin municipality building, by appointment made by phone, in order to get the relevant forms, or can get these forms by getting in touch over the phone.
Membership in the Aguda is renewed every year, for a fee.
Sun-Thu: 08:00-16:00, by appointment.