e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Iriyah Departments and External Services in Modiin

The first place for Iriyah Departments and External Services in Modiin! Always up-to-date with the latest local information.
Misrad HaPnim Modiin (Interior Ministry) - Population & Immigration Authority
In order to issue a biometric Teudat Zehut or smart biometric passport, you need to book your appointment using the link here (in English) Please note: residents holding valid identification documents are not required to change them! For mo
Matnas Community Center - Amutat Sachlavim
For the full list of chugim for children, youth and adults. For all the information you need, click on the relevant link below. Arts chugim Sports chugim for children Martial Arts Stage Enrichment chugim for kids Dance & Ballet Music chugim
Mei Modiin - Modiin-Maccabim-Reut's Water Company
Azrieli Mall
Main activities: Renovation, upgrading and development of city water and sewage pipes. Improvement of customer services and high level services expected from a modern company. Installation of new and up to date technologies that upgrade the
Payments (Gviyah) Department - Modiin Macabbim Reut Municipality
Azrieli Mall
Municipal department dealing with all types of incoming payments from residents to the municipality, including Arnona, education, fines and fees. For online payments click here For information on changing ownership of properties click here
Modiin Maccabim Reut Education Department
The Modiin Maccabim Reut educational system operates approximately 148 Ganim, 27 elementary schools, 12 high schools and 2 special education schools. For list of Ganim click here For list of elementary schools click here For list of high sc
HaAguda LeTarbut HaDiur Modiin - Advice & Support for Va'adim & Residents of Apartment Buildings
Municipality Building
The Aguda LeTarbut HaDiur, established by the Ministry of Construction and Housing, operates in a number of fields, in order to improve the living conditions and the proper management of communal property in shared apartment buildings. The
Planning and Engineering Division
City Center (Ma'ar)
For opening hours and phone service - see 'hours' at the bottom of the screen. Building plans and documents can be photocopied at no charge in the Iriyah building on the second floor. Photocopying of construction plans, called "Garmushka"
SHIL - Citizens' Advice Bureau
Please note! The center has now moved to Emek Dotan - see address and map! Providing information, guidance, counseling and utilization of your rights in various fields, by lawyers and experts in different topics. The service is free of cha
Rabbanut Office Modiin Macabbim Reut
Religious affairs department of the Modiin Maccabim Reut municipality, responsible for providing religious services for the residents of the city. Areas of responsibility include: supervision of Kashrut, Eruv, Mikvaot, marriage registration
Modiin Veterinary Services
Municipal department, responsible for the promotion and maintenance of public health in Modiin Maccabim Reut, in the field of preventive veterinary medicine. Public complaints related to veterinary issues can be reported 24/7 to the city ho
Social Services Department
Services and programs in the fields of residents' welfare, senior citizens, immigrant absorption, health promotion and the fight against drugs and alcohol. As part of its welfare services, the department offers professionally led guidance a
Modiin Municipal Absorption Department
Offering personal guidance to new Olim, and providing varied activities for adults & children: Olim Clubs in different languages (Russian, Spanish, & English) Workshops - courses & training programs (e.g. MATI – for entrepreneurs in Israel,
Culture & Events Department
Click on the link below for a list of upcoming events.
The Modiin Economic Development Company
Ligad / The Technological Park
The municipality's executive branch for the implementation of city development and infrastructure work, and the construction of buildings and public institutions throughout the city, for the welfare of city residents. For completed projects
Sachlavim High Tech Center - Computer & Digital Courses and Chugim
New center offering a variety of computer and technology classes for children, and professional courses for youth, young adults and adults. Participants can learn to program, work with graphic software, develop websites, get to know emergin
Yuda - Center for Young Adults
Municipal center for residents of Modiin Maccabim Reut aged 18-30. The center offers support services for young adults, soldiers, discharged soldiers, students, scholarship students and young couples in all areas of life: education, employm
Mifgash Emek HaEla Branch - Senior Citizen Activity Center
Social center in HaKramim neighborhood offering a wide range of activities for senior citizens (also in ENGLISH!), including classes, workshops, enrichment and learning courses, joint activities with the community and schools, and more. Ong
Mifgash Emek Beit Shean Branch - Senior Citizen Activity Center
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Social center in the Shimshoni neighborhood, offering a wide range of activities for senior citizens, including classes, workshops, enrichment and learning courses, joint activities with the community and schools, and more. Ongoing activiti
Tzivoni Community Center
For info on the Sigd celebration event - click here! Community center offering a variety of social activities, events and services for retirees, adults and children. Ongoing activities include: Ballroom dancing. Second generation Holocaust
SpaceMod - Cooperative Work & Learning Complex
Transportation Center
Modiin Maccabim Reut's co-working and entrepreneurship complex, offering a large number of work spaces suitable for businesses and entrepreneurs, including offices, workstations, meeting and mentoring rooms, lecture halls and more. The comp

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ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!