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Garbage, Garden Waste, Junk and Recycling Pickup Days in Modiin Maccabim Reut
Detailed information, by neighborhood, on the days for garbage pickup, especially the removal of garden waste, junk and cardboard, including important guidelines about the way they may be placed in the public space.
Guidelines for Waste Disposal in Garbage Rooms
The garbage rooms located within or adjacent to all buildings throughout the city serve as a recycling space that includes:
- Green bin - for household waste
- Blue bin - for paper and thin cardboard
- Orange bin - for packaging for more information click here!
The garbage rooms and bins are the responsibility of building residents. It is the obligation of the residents to ensure the maintenance and cleanliness of the garbage rooms and its surroundings, as well as the bins, with a special emphasis on the brown bin for organic waste.
Please note that it is forbidden to park in a way that blocks the garbage rooms and does not allow the removal and emptying of the bins.
Guidelines for garden waste, junk and cardboard boxes
Garden waste and junk may only e placed outside from 12 noon to midnight, the day before pickup in your residential area, according to the schedule listed below. The waste will be disposed of by the municipality the following day. Please note - waste and junk is not to be put out on the day of the pickup.
(Further down the page you can find the pickup days in the various neighborhoods).
Residents who do not follow the defined hours are expected to be fined 320 ₪. A higher fine of 475 ₪ is expected for those who remove their garden waste in a way that could cause a safety hazard, among other things, blocking the pavement.
Important Information!
Cardboard boxes - should be folded, flattened, and tied, and left on the side of the blue container or together with the heaps of garden waste (on the days for garden waste pickup with the same conditions).
Leaves and grass clippings - should be put in closed bags.
Garden waste and junk - should be put in accessible places for collection in parking bays and in permitted times.
The garden waste or junk should be placed on the curb, in a public parking spot or any other area in the public space that is visible and accessible to the disposal truck - with a passage of 1.20 meters remaining available for pedestrians, and not causing any obstruction to traffic which endangers or could endanger passing vehicles.
It is forbidden to place garbage on flower beds, vegetation, or irrigation systems and by various public areas such as bus stops, electricity poles, gas installations, water installations, fire hydrants, road signs, street lights, etc.
Removal of irregular junk, in size or type, such as: fragile glass objects, large quantities of garden waste, tree trunks, ovens, refrigerators, etc., requires prior coordination with the Iriyah hotline: 08-9726020
For more information click here!
Schedule by neighborhood
HaNeviim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Sun & Wed (pickup on Mon and Thu mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Tue & Fri
HaMeginim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Sun & Wed (pickup on Mon and Thu mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Sun
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Tue & Fri
Kramim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Sun & Wed (pickup on Mon and Thu mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Tue & Fri
Prachim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Mon
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
City Center Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Mon
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
Nechalim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Wed
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
Masu'a Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Mon & Thu (pickup on Tue and Fri mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Mon
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Sun & Wed
Shvatim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Mon & Thu (pickup on Tue and Fri mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Tue
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Sun & Wed
Moriah Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Mon & Thu (pickup on Tue and Fri mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Tue
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Sun & Wed
Avnei Chen Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Mon & Thu (pickup on Tue and Fri mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Sun
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Sun & Wed
Tziporim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Wed
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
Nofim Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Wed
- Bottles - n/a
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
Moreshet Neighborhood:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Sun
- Bottles - n/a
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
South Reut:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Mon & Thu (pickup on Tue and Fri mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Sun & Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Sun & Wed
North Reut:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Sun & Wed (pickup on Mon and Thu mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Sun & Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Tue & Fri
South Maccabim:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Sun, Tue & Thu
- Paper - Sun & Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
North Maccabim:
- Garden waste, cardboard boxes and junk - put out on Tue & Sat night (pickup on Sun and Wed mornings)
- Household waste - Mon, Wed & Fri
- Paper - Sun & Thu
- Bottles - Thu
- Sweeping and cleaning - Mon & Thu
* The brown bins for wet garbage are in the process of being replaced by orange bins - for all details click here!