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2020 Knesset Election Results in Modiin - by Neighborhood
Discover if the 'gushim' changed in Modiin, how the votes were devided in each neighborhood, who's the 3rd biggest party in Modiin, whether the Meshutefet got any votes, and more...
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
The 5 parties that got the most votes in each and every neighborhood of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut, and the overall results in the city (including a comparison to the results in September).
Overall results in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut
- Kachol Lavan - 45.5% (43% in September)
- Likud - 28.2% (23% in September - and also 23% in April and in 2015)
- Yamina - 10% (in September 11%)
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 8.8% (in September 7.6% for Avoda-Gesher, 5.8% for HaMachane HaDemocrati)
- Israel Beitenu - 4% (5.5% in September)
- Shas - 1.9% (1.9% in September)
- Yahadut HaTorah - 0.66% (0.68% in September)
- HaMeshutefet - 0.27% (0.15% in September)
- Otzma Yehudit - 0.26% (1.2% in September).
For official results on the website of the Election Commitee - click here!
- Center-Left-Arabs - 54.57% (56.55% in September)
- Right-Charedi - 41% (37.78% in September)
- Israel Beitenu - 4% (5.5% in September)
kramim (Tzipor)
- Kachol Lavan - 44%
- Likud - 36%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 6.2%
- Israel Beitenu - 4.7%
- Yamina - 4.5%
HaNevi'im (Shimshoni Tzafon)
- Kachol Lavan - 49%
- Likud - 28%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 8.1%
- Israel Beitenu - 5.7%
- Yamina - 5.4%
HaMeginim (Shimshoni Tzva'i)
- Kachol Lavan - 46%
- Likud - 29%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 7.8%
- Yamina - 7.1%
- Israel Beitenu - 4.9%
Avnei Chen (Keizer)
- Kachol Lavan - 39%
- Likud - 32%
- Yamina - 15%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 7.3%
- Israel Beitenu - 3.9%
Tziporim & Nofim
- Kachol Lavan - 39%
- Likud - 34%
- Yamina - 13%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 7.9%
- Israel Beitenu - 3.6%
Prachim (Miromi)
- Kachol Lavan - 46%
- Likud - 28%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 11%
- Israel Beitenu - 6.2%
- Yamina - 4.2%
Nechalim (Sfadia)
- Kachol Lavan - 47%
- Likud - 26%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 12%
- Yamina - 6.8%
- Israel Beitenu - 4.1%
Masu'a (Givat C)
- Kachol Lavan - 35%
- Likud - 28%
- Yamina - 21%
- Avoda-Gesherp-Meretz - 8.5%
- Israel Beitenu - 3.6%
HaShvatim (Buchman Tzafon)
- Kachol Lavan - 44%
- Likud - 25%
- Yamina - 18%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 7.7%
- Israel Beitenu - 2.7%
Moriah (Buchman Darom)
- Kachol Lavan - 37%
- Likud - 31%
- Yamina - 22%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 5.5%
- Israel Beitenu - 2%
- Kachol Lavan - 65%
- Likud - 17%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 10%
- Yamina - 4%
- Israel Beitenu - 2%
- Kachol Lavan - 71%
- Avoda-Gesher-Meretz - 14%
- Likud - 10%
- Israel Beitenu - 2.1%
- Yamina - 1.8%
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