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Municipal Hotline - Moked 106
Modiin Municipality, Tiltan 1, Modiin - From Cellcom dial: *10688
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
The municipal hotline is on call 24 hours a day for requests and questions concerning hazards and emergencies in the city, including:
- Infrastructure – roads/sidewalks, street lights and traffic lights, drainage
- Sanitation and pest control
- Garbage and garden waste collection
- Playgrounds and street furnishings
- Public lighting
- Sidewalks
- Street sweeping and cleaning
- City inspection
- Parks and landscapes (maintenance, public-private areas and planting)
- Veterinary Issues
- Ongoing security issues
- Traffic and transportation
- Building supervision
The phone number of the moked for contacting from any type of phone device: 08-9726020.
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Duty Pharmacy
Modiin General
When the duty pharmacy is closed, in emergencies and with a doctor's prescription only, please call 106 (Municipal Hotline) to be referred to the duty pharmacist. Pharmacies open on Erev Shabbat and Shabbat: On Fridays, the Super-Pharm bran