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Number of Modiin Maccabim Reut Residents in 2022 - True to Yom Ha'Atzmaut
On Israel's 74th Independence Day, there are 100,008 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut (therefore now defined as a medium size city), compared to 97,385 residents (an increase of 2,623 people) on the previous Independence Day - according to the municipality's population registry (accurate as of April 2022).
The data shows that the number of men and women in the city is almost equal, with 50,405 women and 49,603 men.
The Numbers by Age
The average life expectancy in the city stands at age 86.5 (the highest in Israel), and the breakdown of the population between ages once again shows how young Modiin Maccabim Reut is:
- Ages 0-21 - 39,481 (a decrease of 364, and a total of 39.5%)
- Ages 22-40 - 20,150 (a decrease of 615, and a total of 20%)
- Ages 40-60: 27,398 (an increase of 676, and a total of 27.5%)
- Ages 60+: 12,976 (an increase of 965, and a total of 13%)
559 of the city's residents where born in the year Israel was created, and will be celebrating their 74th birthday this year.
There are 13 residents who are over 100 years old. The oldest one is 105.
At the other end of the age scale, 211 babies were born in the city since January 2022.
The neighborhoods who had the most babies in this period:
- Avnei Chen - 30
- Kramim - 29
- Nofim - 23
- Prachim - 21
- Nevi'im - 20
The data also reveals interesting age segmentation by neighborhoods. The youngest neighborhood is Nofim, where 47% of the residents are under 18, followed by HaTziporim with 45%.
By contrast, the city's oldest citizens live naturally in the older neighborhoods, whereas in Reut only 20% of the residents are under 18, and 19% are over 65, and in Maccabim, 19% are under 18, and 24% are over 65.
The neighborhoods with the largest number of residents
- Kramim - 12,065 (a decrease of 267 since last year)
- Avnei Chen - 11,187 (an increase of 16)
- Masu'ah - 9,506 (a decrease of 164)
In comparison, in HaTziporim, which was founded in 2017, there are 3,136 residents (an increase of 324 since last year); in Nofim, which was founded two years ago, there are now 4,057 residents (an increase of 1,794 since last year); and in Moreshet, the newest neighborhood, there are already 70 residents that moved in to the neighborhood in the last month or so.
Olim Chadashim
In the segmentation of countries of origin from which the city's residents immigrated to Israel, the leading countries are:
- Former USSR and Russia - 2,766
- USA - 2,056
- United Kingdom - 607
- France - 514
- Argentina - 356
- South Africa - 352
Relocation from other Cities
Looking at the data by the cities of origin from which the residents came, the leading cities are:
- Jerusalem - 7,548
- Tel-Aviv Jaffa - 2,751
- Rishon LeTzion - 1,530
- Petach-Tikva - 1,205
- Ma'ale Adumim - 806