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Mecholot Avraham - Israeli Dancing
Sports Hall of the Inbalim School, Nachlieli 4 | Beit HaTarbut, HaShikma 40, Lapid | Sports Hall of the Municipal Pool, Emek Zevulun 13, Modiin:
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Come and dance! Israeli folk dancing for all levels with Avraham Kadosh.
Dancing in a special, family atmosphere, with warmth and smiles, and thorough and precise teaching of the dances.
- Sundays in the studio in the sports hall of the Inbalim School (Nachlieli 4, Modiin):
- Intermediate: 20:00
- Advanced: 21:00
- Tuesdays at Beit HaTarbut (HaShikma 40, Lapid):
- Beginners from first step: 19:00
- Intermediate: 20:00
- Wednesdays in the sports hall of the municipal pool (Emek Zevulun 13, Modiin):
- Couples dancing course for beginners and intermediate: 20:20-21:00
- Dance circles: 21:00-22:30
- Couples: 22:30
Cost: 40 ₪ including light refreshments.
Led by Avraham Kadosh, Israeli folk dance teacher. Dancing since the age of 14.
The most fun dance circle in town!
New! Israeli dancing for couples! Come shake things up and spend quality time with your loved one! No prior experience needed, even if you think you have "two left feet." Full guidance and instruction!
Call for more information: 055-9707454
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