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Hadar Media - Marketing Content Production for Businesses
Merkaz Sharbat - 2nd Floor, Emek HaChula 31, Modiin
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
Comprehensive media production services for your marketing content needs.
Diverse solutions, while working with advertising and digital marketing agencies in a variety of fields:
- Stills photography of your business
- Portrait shots for the business owners and key employees in the business (can be done at the business or at the studio in Modiin)
- Production of a 1 minute promotional video for your business, suitable for screening on social networks in a vertical format
- Production of a set of videos to market your "idea" or products in the green studio - a day of filming up to 4 hours, including sound, lighting and teleprompter (text running on the camera), vertical photography, adding subtitles, special animations and music, providing 6 edited videos.
Call now to learn more: 055-9707440
Hadar Media's business department has been providing photography and editing services to its customers in Modiin Maccabim Reut since 2012.
Under the management of Hadar Ben Shimol, a longtime resident of Modiin, cinema and TV engineer with 6 years of experience on the film unit of Dover Tzahal (IDF Spokesman) and founder of the "Froggy" news website for youth, from YNET.
Sun-Thu: 08:00-22:00, Fri: 08:00-13:00.