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over 2 weeks ago
Locals guiding locals to learn about our city!
The festival will start just before sunrise at 5:30 in the morning, with the first tour to photograph urban nature landscapes on Yair Parag street.
Following this, there will be various fascinating tours throughout the day, including:
- A walk between urban buildings and agricultural fields in Maccabim
- Urban harvesting tour in the valleys and paths in the city
- Learning about plants and their special features, as reflected in the city's landscaping planning in Emek Ayalon
- The planning principles of the city center as an active and vibrant center
- The story of settlement and planning in the hills of Maccabim and Reut
- On the peak of Titorah - buildings and houses in Modiin, past, present and future
- Sunset tour of the urban paths in the Tziporim neighborhood
The routes include easy walking, and are not suitable for children and strollers.
The meeting points for each route will be provided to registrants before the tour date.
Participation is free of charge but requires prior registration.
Thursday 2/5/24, starting from 05:30 in the morning until 20:00 in the evening.
Participation is free of charge but requires prior registration.