e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Car Parks in the City Center in Modiin

Information on the public parking lots in the city center of Modiin, including costs, where and for how long you can park for free, locations, route and number of spaces in each car park.
Chanyon HaSdera - Underground Car Park in Modiin City Centre
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Free for the first 2 hours | 500 parking spaces). Underground car park operated by Modiin municipality, which is intended for visitors and residents who come to the city center area (the MAAR) in Modi'in. The car park, which is located und
Yaakobi Building Car Park - Indoor Parking in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Free for the first hour | Over 350 parking spaces). Underground car park operated by the company Yaakobi Universal, which is intended for all visitors to the city center area (the MAAR) in Modi'in. The car park, which is located underneath
Bezeq Car Park - Free Outdoor Municipal Parking Lot in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Free 24/7 | About 50 parking spaces). Municipal car park on Tiltan street. The car park, which is located next to the old 'Bezeq' Building, is right behind the main boulevard of the Ma'ar (the City Center), and allows quick and easy access
Sderot HaSavyonim Car Park - Indoor Parking in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Paid parking | Approximately 80 parking spaces). Underground car park operated by the Africa Israel company, which is intended for all visitors to the city center area (the MAAR) in Modiin. The car park, which is located behind the buildin
Sderat More Parking Lot on Rechov Fikus - Car Park in the Modiin City Center
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Free for Sderat More customers | Around 40 parking spaces). Parking lot operated by the More Group for the customers of the stores located under the residential buildings of the Hanan Mor project in the city center (and near the Azrieli ma
Azrieli Mall Modiin Car Park - Underground Indoor Parking
City Center (Ma'ar)
(New!: Free for only the first 20 minutes & costs 5 ₪ for first 3 hours | Approximately 1,300 parking spaces). Underground car park located in the Azrieli mall in Modiin, next to the city center area (the MAAR). The car park offers approxim
Matityahu Car Park - Outdoor Municipal Parking Lot in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Free on weekends from Fri at 13:00, and at nighttime 21:00 to 07:00, first 2 hours free for Modiin residents during paid hours - municipal rate | About 30 parking spaces). Municipal car park on Matityahu HaCohen, at the blue and white Modi
Donna 1 Building Car Park - Indoor Parking in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Paid parking | About 20 parking spaces). Underground car park operated by the company Donna Shai Nechasim. Some of the spaces in the car park are available for occasional visitors to the city center area (the MAAR). The car park, which is
Donna 2 Building Car Park - Indoor Parking in MA'AR Modiin
City Center (Ma'ar)
(Paid parking | About 20 parking spaces). Underground car park operated by the company Donna Shai Nechasim. Some of the spaces in the car park are available for occasional visitors to the city center area (the MAAR). The car park, which is

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