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Story Time with Authors at the Public Libraries

In the city libraries
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Schedule of upcoming story time events on Monday afternoons at the various libraries in Modi'in. Events are for ages 3 to 6, unless otherwise noted.

Monday 5/8/24, 17:00 - Author Ayelet Mor will read her book "MiShlosha Yotze Echad" - including craft activity. [Moshe Schechter public library, Emek Dotan 49].

Cost: 10 ₪ per child with parent. To purchase tickets click here

Previous Events:

Monday 15/7/24, 17:00 - Author Ruti Pazuelo will read her book "Chaydakim" - including craft activity. [Kramim public library, Emek Charod 9].

Cost: 10 ₪ per child with parent. To purchase tickets click here

Monday 29/7/24, 17:00 - Author Mazaltov Ruchama will read her book "Gil, Gol VeHaTut" - including craft activity. [Moshe Schechter public library, Emek Dotan 49].

Cost: 10 ₪ per child with parent. To purchase tickets click here


  • Monday 29/7/24, 17:00
  • Monday 5/8/24, 17:00



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