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The Moshe Shechter Public Library (The Central Library)

Emek Dotan 49, Modiin
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

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The library has a varied and up to date collection of reading books, based on the best local and world literature, for children, youth and adults, in Hebrew, English and Russian, as well as a limited collection in French and Spanish.

In the children's section you can find a wide variety of toddler books for the little ones, children's books and teen books.

There is also an extensive collection reference books in various fields, as well as a variety of magazines and daily newspapers for adults (Ha'aretz, Yediot Achronot) and children, for reference and enjoyment.

The library also offers a variety of movies on DVD from different periods, including both new movies and classics, and a selection of audio books to listen to in Hebrew from ICAST.

Books can be returned at any time of the day using automatic machine located on the ground floor to the left of the front door.

The library is integrated with the library of the Ironi Beit Yitzchak Rabin high school.

Manager: Eva Ruchman.


  • Sun: 10:00-19:50.
  • Mon, Wed & Thu: 09:00-19:50.
  • Tue: 09:00-15:50.
  • Fri: 08:00-12:45.


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