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Ganim & School Registration for 2025/26

Education Department, Municipality Building, Tiltan 1, Modiin
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

The registration period for next school year will last three weeks, starting on Thursday 30/1/25 and ending on Wednesday 19/2/25.

Registration is intended for ages pre-chova, chova, 1st grade and 7th grade.

As in every year, registration takes place through the Iriya's website, using the link here!

Registration for tzaharonim takes place in parallel to ganim/school registration on the amutat Sachlavim website - click here to register

As last year, registration to schools outside the residential area will be permitted. Zoom information meetings will be held by each of the schools in the city to provide an overview and information.

Registration for all ages is according to your current address, as it appears in your Tehudat Zehut and the population register.

The final placement results will be published on the Iriya website during the month of June.

Signing up at the beginning of the registration period or at the end of it does not impact your chances. All placements will be done only after the registration period ends.

The Iriyah give parents the option to choose up to two educational institutions for registration for the school year, with the second choice being optional, but highly recommended, in order to give residents who for some reason were not allocated to their first option a choice. If there is no second choice, the child will be allocated a school by Minhal HaChinuch based on the existing options and restrictions.

For environmental preservation reasons the booklet is only published on the website, with the option for user to print it from the website.

Olim Chadashim and Returning Citizens

Prior to registration, olim are required to contact the Education department's Coordinator of Immigrant and Returning Students, regarding absorption into the school system.

Contact: 073-2326361 |



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